Saturday, May 23, 2009


I've seen you bring hapiness. But, I've also seen you destroy people's dreams. It's hard to hate you and need you so much at the same time.

I'm not going to say that you don't matter because you are the deciding factor of most of our dreams and futures. Those who say you don't matter in this materialistic world either already have a lot of you or have no dreams at all.

You're lifeless. You don't feel the sorrow, the pain, the anger when people's dreams are crushed because of you. Ironically, we usually end up needing you more than we hate you...

If it were possible to set you aside when it comes to hapiness, then i'd find true hapiness.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

when food meets creativity...or rather, people like us(this is not for the weak-stomached)

Gathered with my friends today. After this, don't know still have the chance or not. So, it was at none other than KFC -.-' We ordered the Combo meal. Thought the 7 of us could've finished it but in the end, da pao some also. We chatted a while, got the latest updates about our friends and future plans. When we finished, we did what we usually did. Left over this:

1. Chili sauce
2. Pepsi (ice optional)
3. Whipped potato gravy
4. Chicken skin (Hot and Spicy flavour)
5. Chicken bones (drumsticks preferred)

Toss every liquid ingredient in a container and stir till well blended.
Then, add the chicken skin and drumsticks.
Extra chili sauce topping is optional.

Tada... KFC's Original Recipe Super Hot Pepsi. Caution! Hot! XD

Variation: Add any other left over that's runny if you like. Enjoy.

This is not a first time. The previous recipes were not documented. Sorry. But i do have one other recipe we created during the New Year Barbecue at my house in 2007/2008.

1. Tofu/Pudding
2. Leaves (got mine fresh from the mango tree in my garden XD)
3. Lime juice (curi-curi pluck one from the plant)
4. Chicken meat and bones (those were left overs and some jatuh atas lantai one)
5. Rose petals

Heat a wok on the barbecue grill(So conveniently, there was a mini wok that my Mom didn't want anymore so we used it for this masak-masak).
Put in the tofu/pudding and mash it.
Add in leaves, petals and chicken bones before squeezing lime juice into the wok.
Stir fry until well-done or chao huei da. Doesn't matter. Serve hot.

Our Tofu Rose Chicken. Uwek.

See...beautiful leh, our "creations". It was so beautiful, none of us wanted to eat it. Well, you know what i mean XD

p/s: Nobody vomitted in the process of preparing the dishes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The reason teachers want me to be a doctor -.-'

Went to school today to get some documents signed. As usual, conversations start with:
"Good morning, Teacher/Sir."

"Eh! You're here ah? Do what? So where are you going next?"

then i would give my standard answer...

"Then what about__________?"

"He/She ah? bla bla bla.../I don't know."

Then the topic would sometimes turn to my cita-cita (because i had to fill up a form with that detail).

"Study medicine la/ Become doctor la," is what some teachers said.

They talked about the career a little, like how much it would cost(RM300 000-RM500 000 at least), how long it takes and so on...

"Good pay wat...If open pharmacy also good. One day can earn RM3+++ you know."

Well, in conclusion, they can take MC from me -.-'

haha...i know you guys joking la XD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sakura Season

Only in Japan...

Awesome, isn't it? When I went there, it was late autumn...So it looked more like this

Sakura season in Japan is from 15 March to 15 April. This is the time when you'd see the best blossoms. At mid April, they'll start falling. No wonder they call them cherry blossoms. See...those that just started blooming really do look like cherries

During my vacation, the maple leaves were nice.

Big difference, huh?

This must be at a park or temple:

When i was at one of the temples:
The Sakura season photos were not by me; i received them in an email. Thanks Zi Xin.
But the ones i compared with were those i actually took there. I have a lot more. Most are at my Friendster account. Here are some more photos for your enjoyment.

I so want to go there... this definitely makes my wishlist top 3 - to celebrate my birthday in Japan during the Sakura season XD
I thought i could make it this year visa expired before my birthday ><
And no time, no money also =.=

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vampire Night~ haha

Today i really felt like a vampire =.=
Slept from eleven to six... in the DAY

After that, i took a look at the Buku Panduan about Matriks. One thing caught my attention:

8.3 Makan minum tidak disediakan tetapi dijual di kafeteria kolej kediaman. Anggaran kos makanan bagi setiap pelajar ialah RM15.00 SEHARI -.-'

1 day= RM15

RM15 x 30=RM450 a month!

walao eh... how much does the food cost??? or how much can one person eat in a day???

Four 2's! wakaka

I played Big 2.5 or also known as "Chor Dai Di" at viwawa and guess what...

Four "Di's" at my place! wakaka~ these are the four most powerful cards in the game. And it's a rare chance that you'd get all of them in your hand. Well, i think i got this during the 3++th game...Probably others might have got this chance earlier, i don't know.

oh...and at viwawa's Big 2.5 game, you CAN keep the "Di's" for last.

Hey thekillerz. i'm now at the same level as you XD

Monday, May 4, 2009

Teachers of SMKMNT

Okay, today i feel like talking about some teachers who taught me in Secondary. So, first up,

Tn. Haji Mazlan Zainol

Subjects: Geography (until mid Form 1), History (Form 4 and 5)

About Him:
-Our Form 1(not the whole year),4 and 5 form teacher,
-pandai tangkap orang tidur dalam kelas
-like to pakat with his class also... hehehe

Famous saying/quotes: "kamu orang, mahu tidur dalam kelas tak apa. Janji datang sekolah sudah...jangan ponteng pi mana-mana" yea...some students actually LISTEN to him...they tidur dalam kelas la!

En. Ishlahuddin
Subject: Bahasa Melayu (Form 4 and 5)

About Him:
-Funny! Sporting,
-his classes really syiok one,
-invited us to his Raya Open House last year,
-received the Guru Cemerlang Award

Famous sayings/quotes: "Bengau"(he asked us,"Bangau dalam Bahasa Inggeris panggil apa?" Then he said "Bengau" with the English accent haha) we never forget that. ""(as in take care)

Pn. Malathi

Subjects: Geography (Form 3), English (Form 3)

About Her:

-say our class pelik

-pantang students don't do her homework

-helped us do our Geography folio(Thank You, Teacher^^)

Famous sayings/quotes: (teach teach teach then finally say...) "You understand or not? Am I going too fast?"


*****************************************************************************Pn. Porth Theresa

Subject: English(mid Form 5)

About Her:
-seldom(or never) get angry,
-loves her students
-always give homework -.-' cannot finish, no need to go for recess
-like to dance

Famous sayings/quotes: "my dear", "sayang"...she calls her students that XD

Pn. Tan Mooi Yong

Subjects: Geography(mid Form 1 and Form 2), Mathematics (Form 4 and 5)

About Her:
-sometimes, when she gets angry, quite funny XD,
-some students said she teach like choo choo train,
-youngest Chinese teacher in our school.
-teach us a lot stuff about life(such as marriage, children and bla bla bla...)

Famous sayings/quotes: (teach teach teach then when finish...) "Ok? Faham kah?"

Pn. Ooi Hooi Looi

Subject: Chemistry (Form 4 and 5)

About Her:
-quite strict when it comes to homework
-helped us get permission to participate in the My School Rocks 2007 Dance Competition (Thank you so much for everything that time, Teacher)
-like to ajak my friends and I go here go there, be it running some errands or yam cha...hehe


Mr. Khoo Bak Kiang

Subject: Physics (end of Form 4 and Form 5)

About Him:
-hmm...most memorable: his glasses...but when he changed new one, we were like," lo" haha
-very supportive of us like when there's a competition or something, he'd ask us to participate. And he does what he can to help the team (And we won in one competition. Yay!)

Famous sayings/quotes: "Yes, exactly." (in a smug kind of way...haha...learnt from Gurvinder one)

En. Hasni

Subjects: Bahasa Melayu (Form 3), Pendidikan Seni Visual (Form 5)

About Him:
-was my Mom's colleague, is my Mom's friend
-another funny teacher
-like to ejek his students
-his art is like...WOW (even came to school just to give advice on the SPM Pendidikan Seni examination)
-got to eat KFC because my friends and i promised him that if we get 1A for Seni, we'll belanja him.
-keeps in touch with his students

Pn. Pauline Kanika Rudge

Subjects: English (Form 2), English For Science And Technology (Form 4 and 5)

About Her:
-shares the same birthday as me XD
-if students ponteng her class, she'll get back at them later... but if too many ponteng, class cancel lo (current students of her class, please la...don't do that)

Pn. New Poo Sian

Subjects: Kemahiran Hidup (Form 3), Principles Of Accounting (Form 4 and 5)

About her:
-when i last saw her, she slimmed down was like, Wow! the new Pn. New XD
-taught Accounting for 20 years plus already(she never lets us forget that)

Famous sayings/quotes: "Saya sudah ajar Akaun 20 lebih tahun, apa lagi yang tak pernah saya tengok?"
"Kalau mahu skor A1 dalam Akaun, ikut saya punya 4 perkara:
1. Beri perhatian sepenuhnya
2. Buat kerja rumah bersungguh-sungguh
3. Ingat kembali apa yang saya ajar
4. Buat latihan sendiri
"Ada orang, ingat dia sudah pandai...tak payah buat kerja yang saya bagi. Ingat pergi tuisyen sudah boleh skor A1"
well, what we heard was, "Ingat Pn. New, ingat Akaun" XD

Datin Khoo Cheng Suan
Subject: Biology (Form 4 and 5)

About Her:
-very knowledgable
-very open-minded
-canes anyone who sleeps in the class
-her family all doctors...geng lo
-always wants her students to be punctual
- retired on 8.03.2009

Famous sayings/quotes: "Now what time already?! Your Bio class starts at what time?!"

Mr. Yeap Hoay Kok Subjects: English (until mid Form 5), Additional Mathematics (Form 4 and 5)

About Him:
-VERY wise (and i mean VERY)
-likes to criticise
-VERY good in English
-our "Newspaperman" and "Ah Long"(because he's the one who distributes the newspapers in school. And if anyone is late for paying the newspaper money, he'll be like an Ah Long...everyday, see you, ask you for the money)
-retired in 18.03.2009(He should've retired last year. But we begged him to stay.)

Famous sayings/quotes: "The Beauty of Add Maths"
"Pre, while and post" (study method)
"_______(the person who owes him money)! When you want to pay?! Money leh?"
" one apple + one apple equals to what? Two apples la! Like that also don't know." (Algebraic Expressions a+a= 2a)

"I already explain so many times, you all still don't understand?!"(geleng kepala)
"Add Maths 是活的,不是死的" (in Hokkien) (means "Add Maths is live one...not dead.")

- Got this kind of teachers, got this kind of students
- Bagaimana acuan, begitulah kuihnya

Teachers, we love you~ Happy Teacher's Day in advance

Dad (i salute you)

I think my Dad actually took the bus to school...Wow...i so so so salute him. It was because the car was sent to the mechanic. And my Mom needs to use her car to get to her school.

I wonder if there's any other teachers who do that. Taking the bus to students XD

Probably just today only. The car should be back by tomorrow but still, this is so...i don't know how to describe also. Haha... this Father's Day...have to pakat with my Sis and see how to celebrate. But don't know i'll be back or not. Anyhow, Mother's Day first. Oh wait...already celebrated yesterday

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yo weirdos of SMKMNT (those born in 1991)

"You really different from other people"

"Weird la this girl"

These were the few... er..."compliments", as i like to think of them as, for the past couple of days.
This got me thinking. Is what Pn. Malathi, our Form 3 Geography teacher and also our form teacher, had said true?

On one of the first days of Form 3, Pn. Malathi had came in for her class. Maybe it was the first day we had her class but i can't be sure. All were nervous because she came in with our report cards(i don't know whether she had a cane in her hand or she asked someone to get it but it's in the story later).

She took a look at each and everyone's report cards. One by one, we were called out. When she found something not to her satisfaction, such as unsatisfactory grades, she'd cane the student. Not only did the grades matter, but also the comment(s) from our previous form teacher. If the comment was do I put this...not good la... then it's the cane.

After that, i don't know what had made her talk about this but she said,
"Kamu tahu tak? Orang kata, mereka yang lahir pada tahun 1991 semua pelik punya. Betul...don't believe, go and ask your parents." I think she did add a few things but i don't really remember. My fellow "pelik punya classmates". Still remember that day? Let me know further details.

Our class, really probably anything also can do one. Offending teachers, party, pemberontakan, "sabotaging" teacher's car(in a good way), you name it. It's our colourful personalities that set us apart from others.

Remember in Form 1, we offended Pn. Zalifah, our English Teacher. She was teaching in class but we didn't pay attention and were doing other work. So, our Penyelia Petang told each and everyone of us to write an apology letter to Teacher. And my group of friends and I even sang a song to her(Yann Yi, still remember what song?).

And our form is well-known for throwing parties. Be it our year end party, to celebrate our friends' birthdays or when a new teacher comes to teach us. (Haha... Our class fund like cannot habis one)

My friends and i also throw parties for teachers when it's their birthdays. Did we actually get permission to throw the party? Hmm...i think no.
We'd curi-curi take a look at the teachers' record books to find out their birthdays. Of course there were several reasons we did that:
1. no class!!!!!!!! party~ (no offence teachers. You guys also enjoy wat)
2. maybe less homework XD
3. syiok la
4. because we just love partying...and our teachers
5. because we can

Eh, now starting to wonder come we had that much money leh?

We even made the invitation cards ourselves...with the help of the computer and photostate machines XD Ok la...we could've just go into the staff room and tell them that there's a party at our class or whatever place but...oh well, told you our class was weird.

Hmm...maybe next time i'll create posts about the previous parties we had from Form 1 till Form 5 but this post is dedicated to the weird things we do.

Oh ya... we offended Pn. New, our Accounting teacher, and Pn. Pauline, our English for Science and Technology teacher also. Ponteng class is it? We pakat go back then cancel class without Teacher's knowledge cause these two classes are after school hours. Er...can't say all also ponteng la know i never dared to. Sorry know i had a reputation as 'GG' (thanks to Pn. Malathi) Which one of you started calling me that first?! -.-'

Finally, had to apologise and beg for Teacher to come back and teach. Then, Pn. New would quote, "Ada orang...ingat dia sudah pandai. Tak payah datang kelas dah. Ingat pergi tuisyen sudah boleh score A1 dalam Akaun..."
Pn. Pauline also did say something like that, right? But i don't think she mentioned about tuition because...i don't think anyone went for tuition.

Our biggest "pemberontakan" was last year...just before SPM. We were supposed to have a holiday on 7.11.2008, Friday. When Pn. Khoo announced that we're not going to have the holiday, we were mad! So the whole 5 Cemerlang pakat don't come to school on that day! Wakaka~(i think that was the first time and the last, that i actually ponteng school)
Cikgu Hasni even smsed me:

"Semua pakat tak mau datang skolah ka?"

I replied:

"Ya...hehe...semua buat pemberontakan" (Students. Don't try this at School!)

Remember Cikgu Ish? He said,
"Dulu, masa saya tahu yang saya kena ajar 4 Cemerlang(our class) Bahasa Melayu, saya pun -.-'
Sebab dulu, dengar Cikgu-Cikgu lain kata, kelas 4 Cemerlang sombong. Ingat semua benda sudah tahu. Tetapi, sekarang sudah ajar, saya rasa ok apa. Tak macam yang mereka cakap pun." Hehe...touched when he said that to us. Never knew our class famous like that.

Last year, for Teacher's Day, we did the awards thing. The one where we give first, second and third place to teachers who gets the most votes for the categories we came up with:
1. Best At Teaching
2. Best Dressed
3. Most Sporting
4. Most Dedicated
5. Most Punctual
6. Most Humorous
7. Most Strict
8. Most Rich Looking
9. Most Wise Looking
10. Most Happy-Go-Lucky

Didn't we say we're going to do a vote for students? Among our friends. We graduate already wat...can vote~ Maybe categories like:
1. Most talkative (i think we know who's going to win)
2. Most Pandai Ampu Teachers
3. Best at Ponteng (our Pon-Theng king will win)
4. Most Humorous
5. Most Rich Looking
6. Most Wise Looking
7. Most Punctual
8. Least Punctual (haha)
9. Most Changed

Last but not least,

10. Weirdest(quite many calons)

Now think back...Our class kind of nice right? No... WE ROCK! Haha~
Pn. Porth Theresa even said, our form is the most memorable. Never will she find students like us already. I believe other teachers think so too^^ Want to make a survey? XD

Twilight Saga

It's complete~ muahaha~ ok i know i'm exaggerating...But it took me quite some time (and not to mention $$$) to finally get all the books. I could've ordered the whole set like Wei Wern did but, i didn't know about that until after i bought the first book. I haven't read Breaking Dawn though. Just bought it today. Thank you so much Dad!

Special thanks to Aaron too. For Eclipse. really surprised me. Pleasantly, of course. Hey!'re not getting away with this ok. I'm still going to get even with you. And don't think because of this, i'll let you cekik me XD
But really, thank you.

Again, a million thanks to Dad! Most of the books are "sponsored" of you. Hehe...Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Shopping with my Mom

Went to Sunway Carnivall today. No wait...yesterday, actually. Shopped for clothes.
I think altogether, they cost more than my current wardrobe combined Even though we had a quarrel yesterday, we just let it go... As usual, she would pick the clothes. But now, of course, i get to choose what i liked too(we both have almost the same taste in clothes anyway). All were formal attire. I feel like an office lady.Haha. And it was lucky that it's 1 May. Got quite a lot of good deals.

I wonder what's the special occasion. But it's how it always is... Anytime of the year, my parents would suddenly say, "come, let's go to______"
That's why people say my parents know how to enjoy. Well, i can't's interesting to follow too. Hehe.

We're full of last-minute decisions. For example, my Dad would be driving and if my Mom sees an interesting place, she would say,"Wa...see that shop. Come, want to go or not?"
And my Sisters and I would be like, "..."
I usually just let them make the decision but if they're indecisive, i'd butt in(don't like indecisive people).Then, my Dad would drive us there. If we missed the turn, he'd turn back.

Till now, i still can't figure out how my parents' money flow is like. My Dad would pay then later my Mom would ask how much she has to pay back. So i'm not quite sure who's the one paying for the clothes. Anyhow, thank you Mom or Dad or both XD