Teachers of SMKMNT
Tn. Haji Mazlan Zainol
Subjects: Geography (until mid Form 1), History (Form 4 and 5)
About Him:
-Our Form 1(not the whole year),4 and 5 form teacher,
-pandai tangkap orang tidur dalam kelas
-like to pakat with his class also... hehehe
Famous saying/quotes: "kamu orang, mahu tidur dalam kelas tak apa. Janji datang sekolah sudah...jangan ponteng pi mana-mana" yea...some students actually LISTEN to him...they tidur dalam kelas la!
En. Ishlahuddin Subject: Bahasa Melayu (Form 4 and 5)
About Him:
-Funny! Sporting,
-his classes really syiok one,
-invited us to his Raya Open House last year,
-received the Guru Cemerlang Award
Famous sayings/quotes: "Bengau"(he asked us,"Bangau dalam Bahasa Inggeris panggil apa?" Then he said "Bengau" with the English accent haha) we never forget that. "Ta.ke.ca.re"(as in take care)
Pn. Malathi
Subjects: Geography (Form 3), English (Form 3)
About Her:
-say our class pelik
-pantang students don't do her homework
-helped us do our Geography folio(Thank You, Teacher^^)
Famous sayings/quotes: (teach teach teach then finally say...) "You understand or not? Am I going too fast?"
*****************************************************************************Pn. Porth Theresa
Subject: English(mid Form 5)
About Her:
-seldom(or never) get angry,
-loves her students
-always give homework -.-' cannot finish, no need to go for recess
-like to dance
Famous sayings/quotes: "my dear", "sayang"...she calls her students that XD
Pn. Tan Mooi Yong
Subjects: Geography(mid Form 1 and Form 2), Mathematics (Form 4 and 5)
About Her:
-sometimes, when she gets angry, quite funny XD,
-some students said she teach like choo choo train,
-youngest Chinese teacher in our school.
-teach us a lot stuff about life(such as marriage, children and bla bla bla...)
Famous sayings/quotes: (teach teach teach then when finish...) "Ok? Faham kah?"
Pn. Ooi Hooi Looi
Subject: Chemistry (Form 4 and 5)
About Her:
-quite strict when it comes to homework
-helped us get permission to participate in the My School Rocks 2007 Dance Competition (Thank you so much for everything that time, Teacher)
-like to ajak my friends and I go here go there, be it running some errands or yam cha...hehe
Mr. Khoo Bak Kiang
Subject: Physics (end of Form 4 and Form 5)
About Him:
-hmm...most memorable: his glasses...but when he changed new one, we were like,"wah...cool lo" haha
-very supportive of us like when there's a competition or something, he'd ask us to participate. And he does what he can to help the team (And we won in one competition. Yay!)
Famous sayings/quotes: "Yes, exactly." (in a smug kind of way...haha...learnt from Gurvinder one)
En. Hasni
Subjects: Bahasa Melayu (Form 3), Pendidikan Seni Visual (Form 5)
About Him:
-was my Mom's colleague, is my Mom's friend
-another funny teacher
-like to ejek his students
-his art is like...WOW (even came to school just to give advice on the SPM Pendidikan Seni examination)
-got to eat KFC because my friends and i promised him that if we get 1A for Seni, we'll belanja him.
-keeps in touch with his students
Pn. Pauline Kanika Rudge
Subjects: English (Form 2), English For Science And Technology (Form 4 and 5)
About Her:
-shares the same birthday as me XD
-if students ponteng her class, she'll get back at them later... but if too many ponteng, class cancel lo (current students of her class, please la...don't do that)
Pn. New Poo Sian
About her:
-when i last saw her, she slimmed down already...it was like, Wow! the new Pn. New XD
-taught Accounting for 20 years plus already(she never lets us forget that)
Famous sayings/quotes: "Saya sudah ajar Akaun 20 lebih tahun, apa lagi yang tak pernah saya tengok?"
"Kalau mahu skor A1 dalam Akaun, ikut saya punya 4 perkara:
1. Beri perhatian sepenuhnya
2. Buat kerja rumah bersungguh-sungguh
3. Ingat kembali apa yang saya ajar
4. Buat latihan sendiri
"Ada orang, ingat dia sudah pandai...tak payah buat kerja yang saya bagi. Ingat pergi tuisyen sudah boleh skor A1"
well, what we heard was, "Ingat Pn. New, ingat Akaun" XD
Datin Khoo Cheng Suan Subject: Biology (Form 4 and 5)
About Her:
-very knowledgable
-very open-minded
-canes anyone who sleeps in the class
-her family all doctors...geng lo
-always wants her students to be punctual
- retired on 8.03.2009
Famous sayings/quotes: "Now what time already?! Your Bio class starts at what time?!"
Mr. Yeap Hoay Kok Subjects: English (until mid Form 5), Additional Mathematics (Form 4 and 5)
About Him:
-VERY wise (and i mean VERY)
-likes to criticise
-VERY good in English
-our "Newspaperman" and "Ah Long"(because he's the one who distributes the newspapers in school. And if anyone is late for paying the newspaper money, he'll be like an Ah Long...everyday, see you, ask you for the money)
-retired in 18.03.2009(He should've retired last year. But we begged him to stay.)
Famous sayings/quotes: "The Beauty of Add Maths"
"Pre, while and post" (study method)
"_______(the person who owes him money)! When you want to pay?! Money leh?"
" one apple + one apple equals to what? Two apples la! Like that also don't know." (Algebraic Expressions a+a= 2a)
"I already explain so many times, you all still don't understand?!"(geleng kepala)
"Add Maths 是活的,不是死的" (in Hokkien) (means "Add Maths is live one...not dead.")
- Got this kind of teachers, got this kind of students
- Bagaimana acuan, begitulah kuihnya
Teachers, we love you~ Happy Teacher's Day in advance
lol. nice post ~.~
because got 'nice' teachers to talk about. haha
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